Toilet sounds and play ideas.

As I head into the final month of this pregnancy, still a little bit in denial that we will soon welcome a third beautiful baby into our lives, I find myself wriggling around to find a comfortable spot in this next chapter. I am at the beginning of 12 months maternity leave, which is a privilege I am determined not to waste; being that it will probably be for the last time. When I took leave for both of the boys I admit I found the days at home with small infants somewhat monotonous and certainly didn’t ‘savour every moment’ (does anybody?). This time around, the boys are older and actually pretty good company, ha!  They fill my days with chatter, fighting, laughing and learning and being the least social member of my family, the boys make me get out and experience things I wouldn’t otherwise.

Bobby starts proper kinder this year, while Sid will attend a few hours of 3-year-old kinder, and I am so grateful I will get to be there to enjoy this next stage with them. Their unique personalities continue to unfold and I am so excited to see what’s coming with our newest addition (surely a placid temperament and awesome sleeper!).

Before all of that happens though, I’ve got a solid month of being heavily pregnant in that tricky hemorrhoid-denial, not-sure-what-sound-might-come-out-at-the-toilet, stage of pregnancy. (P.S. I  just googled ‘hemorrhoid’ to check spelling and I was NOT prepared for the images that came up on my screen).

We won’t be venturing too far from home, we don’t have a backyard swimming pool and with post-40 degree days a regular occurrence, I’ve been getting a bit creative with ways to entertain the kids. Play, particularly open-ended, unstructured play, is a huge passion of mine. I strongly believe that when we give children the opportunity and resources to follow their own interests, curiosities and imaginations, we are setting them up for a lifelong love of learning – and I don’t mean academically.

I care little for how fast our kids learn to read and write and add numbers. I know that will come. I have a ridiculous amount of trust in the power of play to build their oral language, nurture their curiosity, develop their fine and gross motor skills, and build their understanding of how the world around them exists. I truly do not mind if our kids are academic scholars or little turtle plodders, I want them to suck the juice out of life and do it in their own way!

So, in saying all of that, I plan to share the very basic play ideas we do at home (which I am already doing, but I’ll do more regularly). It’s not going to be fancy, it’s possibly stuff you’ve already done or seen elsewhere, and some of it might seem a bit ridiculous – but isn’t that the joy of childhood? – seeing the extra in the ordinary. Kids need slow, simple lives and for the most part we spend our days jumping on the trampoline, playing lego and ramming cars into already-scuffed walls. We watch TV. We read books. We eat every 10 minutes. We bribe our friends and family for use of their swimming pools. We ride our bikes and then cry when we don’t get to choose which way we go. You know, normal stuff. This is more about keeping my creative juices flowing than any need that my kids have (insert sideways laugh emoji here).

But, if you’re stuck in a rut and looking for an idea, you might occasionally see something that sparks your interest. I’ll put the ideas on the Podgy Hodgy Facebook page, as well as on my Instagram account @podgyhodgyplays. If it’s boring I apologise! Just scroll on past! If you have your own ideas or adaptions please share them with me 🙂

Thank you, genuinely, for following along.

Eliza xx

geelong photo

Bobby’s brains are so big they cover my 8 month pregnant belly…and Sid wanted to swim but the water was too cold. Happy days!

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