21 things for 2021

Are you someone who loves to make resolutions? Never does it? Gives zero cares about it? I’m somewhere in the middle. I have made so many resolutions over the years that I was just never going to keep…run everyday! (LOLOLOL)…eat more healthfully! (great in theory, bloody hopeless in practice)…this is my general vibe – make hollow promises about improving my body, then break them within 48 hours while chortling at the comedy of my intentions. In fact I’m pretty sure I chortled WHILE making my resolutions because I knew I wouldn’t keep them and I really didn’t care. I’m such a flake *she says chortling at herself*.

I do love a new year though. There’s something blank and hopeful about it. It offers one an opportunity, or perhaps a reminder, that we are in charge of ourselves. We are in the driver’s seat of our one wild and precious life (Mary Oliver, the gift that keeps on giving). We have heard the line about ‘living in uncertain times’ on repeat this year, and as with everyone else I’m pretty keen to drop the ‘un’ and experience a precedented year some time soon. But here we are so let’s crack on with it. I am buoyed with hope that the world appears to be taking climate change with some degree of seriousness, even if our federal government does not. I feel like society, me included, is waking up to the importance of taking better care of our planet, of each other, of our animals. Maybe, hopefully, this mass consumption world we are in, will start taking steps to a more circular economy. Less ‘one and done’, more ‘use and pass on’. It starts with you and me, we start where we are.

This year, instead of an appearance related resolution, I’ve enjoyed starting a list of 21 things I’d like to do in 2021 – as per Gretchen Rubin’s podcast, which I listen to sporadically.

This is not a list of resolutions, they are not things I have to do. It’s just a list of things I’d like to focus on this year, if I don’t do them then so be it, I’ve enjoyed thinking about what’s important to me this year regardless of the outcome. Some things on the list are easy, some will be more challenging, some are one-offs, others will be a work in progress.

I’m writing this while the girls nap and my boys play around me, this is my life right now, grabbing moments to myself where I can. And it is a good starting point for number one.

1. Writing is my form of play. It is important to me and it is okay to tell my boys not to disturb me for half an hour while I do it. I am modelling the importance of following your passion.

2. Go to the dentist.

3. Have the mole on my thigh removed. I have had this checked many times, it’s not suspicious and it’s not even the most dodgy mole on my body but EVERY summer I look at it and worry about it. It’s right in my line of sight. Finally I went to my doctor and asked if she’d just take it off, she is and it’s happening this month, yay!)

4. Play or read something with each child on their own every day. Even if it’s just a quick picture book, this is very important to me.

5. Following on from this, sneak in alone time with the boys. School days make it hard to have one-on-one time so little grocery shops, odd jobs and a quick milkshake every now and then will be golden opportunities.

6. Read for 21 minutes everyday. I have been setting the timer, it helps a lot, so happy to be reading again!

7. Walk kids to school more regularly.

8. Go on a proper family holiday. (As in, longer than three days.)

9. Commence building our new home. (Excitement! Nerves! Gratitude!)

10. Create higher expectations for helping around the house (for kids, not Ash – he’s really very good).

11. Regularly visit the library with the girls.

12. Go out for dinner with Ash once a month. (This is a lofty one but let’s just write it down!)

13. Do more weekend getaways. Nothing fancy, just book it in and do it.

14. Do my abdominal and pelvic strengthening exercises every day. Ok, I did just do a brief chortle.

15. Shower at night more often. I neeeed a morning shower, but every time I shower at night I feel so clean and zen and wonderful. Plus, zero kids sitting between my feet. Must do more often!

16. Recycle our soft plastic.

17. Limit phone use. I’m already doing this, I rarely use my phone in front of the kids, I set a timer on my social media and I delete social media apps for regular breaks. This is working well but would still like to reduce the evening scroll.

18. Learn to sew. Something. Even a button.

19. Buy second hand. I love op shops and Facebook marketplace, I bought most of Sid’s Christmas presents from there and he loves them!

29. Fill the gaps. When I see a need, fill the gap. You know how some people seem so natural at bringing food, dropping a card, offering to help someone in need. That’s not me. I second guess myself constantly, ‘what if the food I cook is crap?’ ‘What if they don’t want my help?’, ‘what if we have some awkward interaction?’ No, Eliza, that’s bullshit. Fill the gaps.

21. Leave my kids – all of them – for a night away. It’s one of my best friend’s 40th this year, I don’t know what she’s doing but I am going!

Phew, that’s 21 things for 2021. I’ll check in with myself next time I have a spare minute…so maybe 2040. Whatever! Happy New Year!

P.S. I have pushed my boys to their limit of not bothering me and they are demanding snacks so this has not been proofread for spelling, grammar or sense-making of any kind. Forgive me.

Eliza xx

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