Letter to Federal Member of Parliament


Dear Damian Drum MP,

The IPCC’s latest report nearly brought me to despair, ‘Code Red for Humanity’.

I am the mother of four beautiful young children who have the right to a hopeful, productive, and safe future. But with the world already having warmed an average of 1.1 degrees Celsius and on track to warm by almost 3 degrees by the end of the century, their future worries me enormously. Already, at 1.1 degrees warming we are seeing terrifyingly extreme weather events, unprecedented heat records and rapid loss of biodiversity in our environment, and things are just getting started.

The Federal Government’s condescending, heal-dragging declaration of ‘net zero by 2050’ would be embarrassing if it wasn’t so terrifying. It is too late, we need action now. This is a crisis, now.

The climate bill introduced into the parliament by Zali Steggall was based on a very successful Act the UK parliament passed in 2008. That Act has led to bipartisan support for emissions reductions in the UK. A similar result could be achieved in Australia, we could be a renewable energy superpower, a role model for other countries. We could create jobs, and have an optimistic, sustainable future, rather than wait for the inevitable job losses that will come from coal mining closures. Because at some stage, they will close.

But the Coalition shut down opportunity even for debate.

A government is elected to represent the views and needs of its people, and as polls show the overwhelming majority of Australians want stronger action on climate, I cannot help but feel the Federal Government is more concerned with lining its pockets than representing ordinary Australians.

If stronger action is not displayed by the Coalition, your party will certainly not be getting my vote at election time.

As a parent, as a primary school teacher, and as a person who loves our planet, I urge you to do more to fight for the precious environment that we live, farm and work in.


Yours Sincerely,

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